
Conduct a Hydrothon

Thank you for your interest in conducting a HYDROTHON®.

Our new licencing model makes it a very profitable event fo your club to raise funds. Under licence, you will retain:

  • *100% of all local sponsorship revenue
  • 85% of all other revenue

Request a profit and loss template to see what is a realistic return for your event

Please complete the following questionnaire so we can access the suitability of the application. Once received we will make contact to discuss in more detail.

* Sportwell must approve all local sponsors to ensure no conflict of interest

Location for Hydrothon (please include State):
Can you conduct a swim over 2x650mtr loops?
Can you conduct a ski paddle over 2 x 2.75mtr loops?
Can you conduct a run over 2x5km loops?
The water legs will be held in:
The run leg will be held on:
How many volunteers would be available to assist with event?
Can you supply buoys, water set up, water safety and water craft?
Can you provide medical assistance?
Please advise what amenities are available (public toilets, parking, club house, electricity, water)
Are you able to assist with local government approvals?
When would you like to conduct a Hydrothon?
Other Comments


Macquarie Bank
Events Tasmania